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Embracing Consumerism in Healthcare: A One Health Perspective

8 March 2024

Consumerism in Healthcare: A One Health Perspective

In the lively world of healthcare, where the hustle and bustle of daily operations often leave little room for personalized care; One Health emerges as a beacon of change, championing the principles of Consumerism and wellness hand in hand. Consumerism is not only one of the pillar principles of our Healthcare approach, it is one of the many reasons we have so much success with our clients; this is because when we focus on Consumerism we focus on one key aspect of Healthcare that is often overlooked: Presence. Leaning into presence in the exam room and in all aspects of patient care is what makes One Health stand out.


The Power of Presence: Transforming Patient Care

Imagine walking into a doctor’s office feeling like nothing more than a number, a task to be checked off before the day ends. This scenario is far too common, not because healthcare professionals lack compassion or the desire to provide excellent patient care, but because the demands of the system often overshadow the human connection which is crucial to healing. At One Health, we recognize that the essence of healing begins with being fully present with patients the moment they step into our care. This principle of presence, of truly being with the patient, forms the cornerstone of our approach to consumer-driven healthcare.

The importance of presence cannot be overstated. It is often said that the quality of presence a healthcare provider offers can be more healing than any treatment or medication. Being present allows the provider to truly understand the patient’s needs, concerns, and fears, thereby facilitating a more accurate diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan; this is why at OneHealth Consumerism is one of the eight pillars of our mission. Focusing on presence through Consumerism transforms the patient experience from one of transaction to one of care and empathy. This is what sets One Health apart; it’s our commitment to not just treat but to connect, to not just heal but to understand.

Consumerism and Empathy: A New Healthcare Paradigm

Consumerism, in the context of healthcare, is about putting the patient at the center of care. It’s about ensuring that care is not only accessible and affordable but also responsive and personalized. At One Health, we believe that wellness and Consumerism go hand in hand. Our model is built around the idea that healthcare should not be a passive experience where patients are mere recipients of care. Instead, we advocate for an active, engaged approach where patients are partners in their health journey.

Brandi Adams, MD
Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN) with a patient. Video and photo shoot by Safehouse Studios
Brandi Adams, MD
Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN)

This partnership is evident in how we handle interactions, be it in person or over the phone. The adage “smile, and the world smiles with you” holds true even in healthcare. A smile, though seemingly insignificant, can be felt across the phone lines, transforming a routine call into an exchange filled with warmth and care. This level of detail might seem minor, but it’s these small touches that embody our consumer-driven care approach.

Partnership and Empowerment

Moreover, One Health places a significant emphasis on empowering patients with information. In an age where information is abundant, guiding patients through the maze of healthcare choices becomes paramount. We are not just providers; we are advocates and care specialists committed to helping patients navigate their options, understand the implications of their choices, and make informed decisions about their health. It’s about putting judgment aside and coming together to find the best path forward.

Our discussion on Consumerism is more than just a conversation; it’s a reflection of one pillar of our philosophy at One Health. We believe in a healthcare system that values connection, personalization, and patient empowerment. Our approach is built on the understanding that wellness extends beyond physical health; it encompasses emotional and psychological well-being. By focusing on presence, empathy, and empowerment, we are not just providing care; we are reshaping the healthcare experience, making it more humane, accessible, and effective for everyone involved.

The Vision for the Future

As we move forward, One Health remains committed to this vision of healthcare. A vision where Consumerism and wellness are not just concepts but realities experienced by every patient who walks through our doors. We understand that the path to transforming healthcare is long and filled with challenges, but we are ready. Ready to listen, to understand, and to care, fully present at every step of the journey.